Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's Winter, Why Waterproofing my Basement?

Winter is here, and it's getting colder outside. Most people wouldn't think you'd have to worry about your basement leaking during the cold winter months, but you'd be surprised! Actually, only the topsoil layer becomes frozen. Heat remains stored deep underground, in the basement level for example, and liquid water is still allowed to flow. We know, because we dig outside, even in freezing temperatures!

Winter is a crucial time for foundations and basement waterproofing dearborn. All the water that was allowed to accumulate around your foundation during the warmer months freezes and places an incredible amount of pressure on your foundation walls. This phenomenon, frost heave, is responsible for things like cracks in poured concrete walls, and the bowing of cinder block walls. This can lead to very serious consequences, so it's best to deal with this as soon as possible.

Check out our website at everdrymichigan.com and find out more on how you can protect your foundation!  Feel free to visit Wikipedia's basement waterproofing page as well.