Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Water-Who My What??

Okay, let's face it. Waterproofing isn't the most glamorous of all home improvement services. It's often overshadowed by it's flashier granite counter top cousins, or out shined by its ever popular older brother, roofing.

But more and more, we're seeing the true importance of basement waterproofing come to light. You see, a lot of people remain content
to just "let it be." Ahhh, just forget about the basement- we only use it for storage anyway. We're never down there, why pour thousands of dollars into it?!

Well, for some, that will never change. And we can throw all the health risks and property value loss figures we want at 'em, but they're never going to see the value. And that's fine-

But for all those with a shred of concern over the well-being of their foundation, and most of all, their families, please consult the web for more information. Here are some quick facts to get you started on your path to basement health expertise:

  • Odor present in the basement or crawl space can be a sign of moisture.
  • Someone in the house is getting allergies or is sick more often is a warning sign.
  • Mold only takes 24-48 hours to grow, with a relative humidity of just 60%.
  • Floor and wall cracks are a sign of a moisture buildup, or "hydrostatic pressure."
  • Windows (or doors) upstairs don't open as easily anymore, sign of excess moisture.
  • Downspouts that overflow when it rains hard could mean a storm backup.
  • Basement appliances or fuse box rusting out mean relative humidity is too high 
Okay, I'm thoroughly worried, what do I do now? Well, don't be worried. There are plenty of things you can do to ensure no long term health risks or foundation damage are sustained.

Luckily, basement waterproofing in dearborn has evolved so much that maintaining a dry basement is virtually down to a science. Through the installation of continuous interior and exterior drain tile and a powerful sump pump, the water that once caused cracks, mold, and mildew can now be gone for good.

But don't just take our word for it, click here to read what people are saying about some of the work we've personally done, and learn more about how waterproofing can improve your, health, happiness, and home or visit basement waterproofing wikipedia pageAnd feel free to pick up the phone and call us! No, really. We can hand you over to a knowledgeable technician or inspector to answer any questions you may have about your basement. If you want we can even send someone out for a free inspection and estimate. Just call the giant red number below.

(586) 698-3030

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's Winter, Why Waterproofing my Basement?

Winter is here, and it's getting colder outside. Most people wouldn't think you'd have to worry about your basement leaking during the cold winter months, but you'd be surprised! Actually, only the topsoil layer becomes frozen. Heat remains stored deep underground, in the basement level for example, and liquid water is still allowed to flow. We know, because we dig outside, even in freezing temperatures!

Winter is a crucial time for foundations and basement waterproofing dearborn. All the water that was allowed to accumulate around your foundation during the warmer months freezes and places an incredible amount of pressure on your foundation walls. This phenomenon, frost heave, is responsible for things like cracks in poured concrete walls, and the bowing of cinder block walls. This can lead to very serious consequences, so it's best to deal with this as soon as possible.

Check out our website at and find out more on how you can protect your foundation!  Feel free to visit Wikipedia's basement waterproofing page as well.

Friday, October 28, 2011

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"Like" us on facebook ( and receive a coupon for any future purchase for Everdry Basement Waterproofing Michigan.  Everdry Michigan ( offers FREE estimates and foundation inspections for crawlspace and basement waterproofing, foundation cracks, wet basements, etc.  Give us a call today 800-878-9090.